As we move toward the summer months and many of our members and Foundation Supporters head north, we look forward to your return. Our work at the Foundation is very busy with the Summer Sailing Camp in full swing. At this writing the first three of our four sessions are completely sold out. Session number 4 which is from July 29 – August 9th still has a few spots available. If you would like to have your child participate in this great program, please contact our Activities Director, Donna Wagoner and she will guide you through the process.
As I mentioned in my last article, we displayed two Sail/Art Sails at the Party with a Purpose, and one was made available for bidding. That was the one that was done by our own sailors under the direction of our talented local Artist Christopher Kram. It was purchased and donated to the Foundation for future display. The second one, which was painted by Chris, has been displayed at the entrance to the clubhouse and has been available for bidding. We have received bids and will continue to take bids until our summer event, FOUNDATION DAY. We will announce the date of that event as soon as the new Pointe is available. For those of you who have not seen the Sail I have included a picture of it in this article.
Many of you have noticed and commented on the new TEAM FOUNDATION Donor plaque that is displayed at the entrance to the clubhouse. Since it has been installed, we have had requests from additional supporters to be included. We intend to add the additional names right after Foundation Day. Many of you have donated over the years and are close to the $1000.00 donation level to be included. You can contact me or Roz Alford to be included or for your contributions to date.
As many of you know your Foundation is one of the sponsors of Erica Reineke who has qualified to represent the USA and sail in the Paris Olympics. She will be carrying the CRYC Burgee with her to the games. Her dedication in both time and money should make us all proud that she is representing us at the Olympics. We have made a commitment to support her efforts. If you would like to make a donation to the Foundation which will be used specifically to help offset some of Erica’s expenses, please contact Paul Erickson, Roz Alford or myself.
As always, on behalf of the Foundation Board I thank you for your continued support.
Bob Epstein, President