The Coral Ridge Yacht Club Sailing & Watersports Foundation is dedicated to investing in the future of sailing and watersports for children and adults of all ages. The Foundation's goal is to introduce, promote and encourage the sports of sailing, power boating, yachting, scuba diving and other watersports by providing access to the water, vessels and related activities for all participants. The Foundation sponsored educational and recreational programs will promote the social interaction of the participants, while increasing their awareness, proficiency, seamanship and safety while boating, sailing and scuba diving.

Recent Foundation News

Foundation Day – February 1st, 2025
Party at the club Sponsored by your CRYC Sailing and Watersports Foundation Join us for a day of watersports and fun for the whole family. Members of all ages can try sailing, paddle boarding, kayaking, scuba diving and tankless diving with the Blu3 Nomad dive system. Instructors and vendors will be available to assist and all equipment will be provided by the Foundation. Enjoy a buffet lunch and live music at

Foundation Log – December 2024
As the season gets into full swing, so does the Foundation. After completing our most successful summer sailing camp ever, we look forward to our upcoming events and programs. As I write this article, we are only 2 days away from the Epicurean Dinner. This is one of our most successful fund-raising events and in the past was limited to only 20 people. We announce the event at the Party

Fall Sailing Club
We are pleased to announce that the Foundation has teamed up with St. Mark’s Episcopal School to offer a Fall Sailing Club at Coral Ridge Yacht Club. This will be an intermediate sailing program available to any members in 2nd through 7th grade who have completed our summer sailing program in a previous year. The club will meet every Tuesday at CRYC after school throughout the Fall. If you can

Scuba4Good Music Festival 2024
The Coral Ridge Yacht Club Sailing and Watersports Foundation is proud to be a platinum sponsor of the Scuba4Good Music Festival in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea on Saturday, June 1st. This family-friendly event features some of Fort Lauderdale’s most popular local bands. Try some tasty food from local restaurants as well as local craft beer, wine and seltzers. Stroll through the vendor village where you can meet with local vendors, businesses and other

Foundation Log – June 2024
As we move toward the summer months and many of our members and Foundation Supporters head north, we look forward to your return. Our work at the Foundation is very busy with the Summer Sailing Camp in full swing. At this writing the first three of our four sessions are completely sold out. Session number 4 which is from July 29 – August 9th still has a few spots available.

Sailing Camp – Summer 2024
The Foundation is proud to announce that we are offering another summer sailing camp in cooperation with the city of Fort Lauderdale. The camp will be held at our brand new sailing and watersports center and we will have all brand new equipment for our kids to enjoy. There will be four 2-week sessions to choose from on the following dates: *Camp starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 4:00